
TIME Magazine Cover

This is some of my first year work. The rest of it is in sketchbooks that I will get to upload at some point. I have only just got the internet at my new house so cut me some slack ok! Two posts in about 30 minutes can do for now surely?!

This (above) was my response to a photography brief based on a number of themes. My chosen theme, Home Sweet Home, gave me ideas such as homelessness and returning from a journey, trip or holiday. Instead, I used the idea of domestic abuse, and the irony in having a horrible homestead to return to. I mocked up a bruised hand and experimented with some different lighting before I settled on a simple black and white, to emphasis the darkness behind the idea. I had to think carefully about the type in the piece. I had to incorporate the TIME heading, as well as the title I had chosen. The result, I feel, is striking and together with the type within the image, works very well.

This poster was the result of a large project on a piece of architecture in Sheffield. I chose and old derelict sheet mill, as it's decrepid and battered state was more beautiful to me than many of the other buildings surrounding it. I wanted to keep my poster simple, like that of the design of the building, and emphasize parts of it that I found interesting rather than the building as a whole. This poster, and a selection of others have been inserted into an art space at the Moors shopping district as a part of a local scheme. It was curated by myself and Sean Gee. Photos will be uploaded when I have them.

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